Avon & Somerset Police Proteus Case Study

Proteus Enterprise from CTI Group brings Avon and Somerset Police significant
business and regulatory benefits

As a Police Constabulary, Avon and Somerset is not alone in having a legal obligation to provide call handling statistics and information to the Home Office. For example, this includes data on how the Constabulary is performing against their service level agreements on handling 999 calls. This information can be provided by Proteus Enterprise and was a key influencer in the Constabulary’s decision to implement a call management system.
In addition to the legal and regulatory requirements Proteus Enterprise would meet, there were other benefits gained from its installation. It was also clear that while many benefits would be realised very quickly, there were elements to the system that could be implemented at a later date with no additional software, training or costs.

To read the full case study, Please download below:

Avon & Somerset Police Proteus Case Study